Scale AI TransformX Highlights

Ms Aerin
5 min readOct 11, 2021

My company held an AI conference called TransformX last week, and the contents were really good, so I wanted to share them with my readers. IMO, it was the best AI conference this year (other than academic ones) in terms of various topics, interesting speakers, accessibility, relevancy, etc. I might be biased, of course :).

I think Xavier’s tweet summarizes it well.

I don’t know how Alex (and the team) can pull this together either. I think a massive team effort went in there. They got so many famous speakers while each talk was very high quality.

Here are a few highlights from the TrasnformX that happened on October 6th, 7th, 2021.

ML at Waymo: Building a Scalable Autonomous Driving Stack — Drago Anguelov

Drago presented Waymo’s progress towards building an AV stack. If you are into self-driving, you will find…

